I threw out WordPress

Published in Originals on Dec 23, 2023

After years of using Wordpress for my blog, I finally made a decision I should have made yeas ago.

The idea grew after releasing a poll on X (former Twitter) early 2023, read the story about that here. The response on that post was so widespread that I still needed some time to review everything thoroughly.

Eventhough I would be able to craft everything from scratch with Laravel, I finally chose for Statamic for several reasons, being:

  • Beautiful UI/DX on the CMS side
  • Flat file pattern | DB driver
  • Blueprinting (that look promising for the customers at Vulpo)
  • Their website just had me from the first second.

Besides all this, I love the idea that I have a normal laravel environment under the hood of this CMS.

So basically I'd be capable of adding custom stuff all over the place, or even running a Newsletter engine on the same site. With an easy opt-in on the statamic's pages, but processing it in plain old Laravel commands, queues or tasks.

I might do that in the coming months 🤔

What's next?

There are a few things I'd like to add or adjust to the current setup.
Such as:

  • Optimize design (I'm no designer, so I'll take a look at this with my team)
  • Add meta tags on the articles
  • Optimize the code blocks, maybe use a code highligher package for this (If you have any suggestions, send me a message)
  • Integrate Strava like my previous blog
  • Maybe add a newsletter

See y'all around!

#statamic, #personal, #blog